Thursday, October 13, 2011

Stakeholders Forum: Where Industry and Academe Meets

Where Industry and Academe Meets
          Stakeholders Forum: Where Industry and Academe Meets, held at AVR 3, Academic Building 3, Capitol University last October 6, 2011 was the most educational forum I’ve been through. I am a student assistant assigned at Admissions and External Affairs Office which is the office who facilitated the said event. Big companies from banking to mechanical industry were invited to the event.

          The most highlighted part of the event was the response of the industry partners. Since I was tasked to take pictures, I grab the opportunity to listen on their responses which was very fruitful and educational. And here are the responses which gave me an idea to write this article.

·         The Language
§  One of the responses was about the “English Proficiency” of college students. Students have the capability and ability to use the appropriate grammar and the uses of the parts of speech and can communicate through written forms BUT they find difficulty to express their ideas through verbal communication.

·         Interviews
§  Final interviews or any form of interview is the entry point for an applicant who is applying for any position. It was said that aspirants can’t express their self because of lack of confidence and due to nervousness.

·         On-The-Job Training (OJT Programs)

§  For college students who took this subject, one of the inputs was to have an NBI clearance especially if they are trained in a banking industry. Though, they said that it may take time to have an NBI clearance for first timers, rest assured that by the next time they get their clearance due to expiration or whatever, it won’t take time again. This was said from one the officer of the NBI who attended the forum.
§  SERVICE ORIENTED was another input. Trainees often do things which is forbidden inside the companies and sometimes they say “training ra bitaw ni”. A trainee should posses this attitude for his/her preparation for his/her own future in the industry.

·         Attitudes
§  In preparation for the future, a student must master and posses INTIATIVE, RESPONSIBLE and PUNCTUALITY. Be initiative. Do things without any supervision of your head and capable of making simple decisions. For you to reach a high position in the industry, one of the qualifications is being responsible. Responsible in a way that can cause a good effect in the industry. Punctuality is an X-factor. One should be on time “all the time”.

·         LEADERSHIP
¨    Every person possesses leadership and this kind of attitude can give an individual his/her potential to stand out against all odds.

·         Business Skills
¨    Since it was all about the academe and industry, business skills was also at the list. If you have already the “service oriented”, this may be an easy part for you. Business skill is a great help in the industry. It creates outstanding person because of this skill. Have you seen a chart of some offices titled “EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH”? I bet you one already. This is a good example of persons who possess business skills.

For so many thins that was said, I think this was the most important. Always remember that when academe is lost, so with industry and the other way around.

images from

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