Monday, May 20, 2013

The Philippine’s Feud (The Taiwan Issue)

I’ve been busy for the past few months and lately, I was not able to post any articles in my blog but because of these issues about our country’s  state between Taiwan, it urge me to wrote again and be heard.

Back 2012, Philippine’s has been one of the talked-about countries both in sports and in beauty. When some of our renowned boxers has lost in their fights in the arena and our very own Janine Tagunon raised the flag for the Philippine beauty when she was crowned 1st runner-up in the most prestigious beauty pageant but above all things, the dispute between China and Philippines due to the Spratly Islands had become a big issue and as for my observation, we have been bullied.

Philippines were always been the ‘good guy’ every time we’re encountered this type of feud and now, for the second time around, we are again bullied by Taiwan.

It is a fact for us Filipinos that to kill a person is unlawful, may the person is a criminal or not, it is not appropriate. We have to say that the Philippines was the first to do the move to create this feud between Taiwan and we do not deny the fact that our Philippine Coast Guard didn’t think twice before pulling the trigger and as obvious as it is, the Philippine’s have committed a crime. Why do we term “the Philippines” instead of using the “Coast Guard” where in fact only the coast guard had pulled the trigger? Why not use his name instead? Why is it that it is a big issue? It is because Taiwan reflects this incident as a major disaster in their part.

Consecutive reports has been televised around the nation about Taiwanese nationals being to cruel to our Filipino people by hitting them baseball bats and other physical acts which injures our meager Filipino men but what infuriates me the most is that why they do such thing when if their very own country men here in our nation do things such as killing, drug dealing, any other unlawful stuffs, we do not impair them yet we observe due process at which justice should be served to those who belong it. Question: for all the dreadful acts that the Taiwanese citizens had been doing in our nation, did we impair them? Hit them baseball bats? Deprived them the justice or the due process? Have our nation already inculcated their minds that the Philippines had been already underestimated by shameful nations such as Taiwan? How come that Philippines had been once again the ‘good guy’. Haven’t we learned our lesson from the previous rift between China? I am not attacking the government about this because our government have been so calmed in settling this situation BUT we should also consider the wasted efforts of our Filipino people in Taiwan who tries to live their harmoniously against all these issues that surround them. Philippines should step their foot forward and do the right thing which is appropriate with these case. Philippines deserve triumph and peace. Philippines do not deserve  exaggerated reactions from Taiwan.