Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Behind The Truth

  A place where there is a lack of proper sanitation, residents live beside mountains of garbage and no jobs. These are the things I want to change in squatter areas, this squatter problems make me think that I’m still fortunate even though were are not that rich but I feel so sorry for the kids and the parents who work hard just to get out in squatter areas where few percent of successful future awaits.

image from Google
             The lack of food is the most common problem I’ve encountered when I had reached in the adolescent stage. Being a part of the deficiency line, I’m still grateful but, can you imagine those who are behind the poverty line? 1 meal a day, that’s what the common scenarios I imagine.

             A hundred years have passed but things haven’t change, it seems, the history repeats itself. The old problems of the world where the rich and the poor are separated, bigotry still exist, gender inequality are still alive.

                I hope that the upcoming future, we can see a whole new world were all are equal. I hope you can be a part of that transformation.

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