Thursday, April 12, 2012


Life is full of twists and turns and one of the abhorrent things when you encountered that route is stress. Let us all admit that each one of us have already encountered STRESS but the difference is, not all of us understands stress. Stress is not always bad, it is sometimes good in our day to day life but the reason why it becomes negative is that it overcomes us and we make it as a daily habit or routine.

image from Google
            Stress may sound terrifying especially for those individuals who have jobs and for those who do not have. It is because; work is usually a cause of stress. Moreover, in the modern society, stress is now an inch away from us. Our lives now are full of deadlines, anxiety, hassles and nuisance. We may think that the rising technology of today’s generation have gone too far (and cool), think again because it is also one of the root causes of stress. Almost a lot of things that the world and individuals produces nowadays can now be a reason of stress problems.

            Moving on, stress have produces a lot of good and positive effects on the human being and the best example is “striving hard to earn high grades”. Some students reflect studying as a STRESS (so am I. HAHA) and ridiculous but the truth is, studying and making projects and homework for deadlines motivates individuals to strive hard. It helps you to perform under pressure and motivates you to do your best.

            On the contrary, the negative effect dominates an individual. Stress is usually emotional but in some cases, it can also be physical or both at the same time. There are a lot of things that would happen when an individual is engaged to the negative side and the worst scenario that would happen is suicide. It is indeed a very serious problem but stress is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened or upset but supposedly, we should learn how to handle it and we should know what are the symptoms of this “life-or-death” situation.
 Below are the lists of common stress symptoms:
  • ·         Memory problems
  • ·         Inability to concentrate
  • ·         Seeing only the negative
  • ·         Constant worrying
Those are the symptoms of cognitive stress while the emotional symptoms are
  • ·         Moodiness
  • ·         Irritability
  • ·         Inability to relax
  • ·         Depression

The aforementioned are the common symptoms that overcomes an individual and it is said that the more signs you notice to yourself, the closer you may be prone to stress overload.

            Each individual should know what are the causes of stress. As I mentioned earlier, technology is now a part of the root cause but there are still a lot of reasons why stress occurs and one of the reasons are (1) Financial Problems, which usually encounters almost all citizens of every country, (2) Work and (3) Relationship difficulties. Those are the external causes of stress. On the other hand, internal causes are (1) Perfectionism, (2) Unrealistic Expectations and (3) Negative Self-Talk. The causes of stress are unpredictable and some of them occur very often and an individual should learn how to handle it.

image from Google
            Handling stress is not as easy as singing ABCD, especially when it is already your daily routine or it has been occurring almost everyday. It takes time for you to handle it and the easiest and simplest form of handling stress is by RELAXATION. Relaxation means a lot for a person who thinks they are stress. Sparing a little time for yourself is enough for you to recover from your stressful life. Once you have already manage to give yourself a break and you give time for relaxation, learn to change your thoughts and point of view of life. Spare some time for your family, friends and colleagues because they are the persons who can give you a LOT of advices for you to change your stressful life. SO that step by step, you can change your hassle life to a new optimistic one.


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