Monday, September 26, 2011

HOMOSEXUALITY:Heredity or Environmental?

image from
“Gays, lesbians, Trans, bisexual, hetero and many more”
Homosexuality is a romantic or sexual attraction or behavior among members of the same sex/gender; it is a feeling being one/part of the opposite sex.

     We’ve been asking for centuries on what are the causes of homosexuality, so my classmates and I conducted a research study regarding on this problem and whatever the results we may collated, we decided to let our collated research be a part of the Research Forum of our school for the CAS (College of Arts and Sciences) Days, unfortunately, we didn’t make it to the top 3 yet we want to share our research study entitled “Heredity and Environmental Factors Associated with Homosexuality among Selected Capitol University Students, S.Y. 2011-2012”

The Summary

     Typical, the word “gay” and “lesbian” are used to refer to homosexuality man and women. The term “bisexual” refers to people who are attracted to both men and women. We, researchers have noticed a number of homosexual students in the campus. This ignited our idea interest to find out what could be the factors associated with the increasing number of homosexuality. Heredity or Environmental?

Theoretical Framework   

     Professors of Columbia University psychiatry Drs. William Byrne and Bruce Parsons stated: “There is no evidence that at present to substantiate a biological theory.”
American Psychiatric Association (APA) reports “there is no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biological etiology [cause or origin] for homosexuality”, they also added “NO specific psychosocial of family dynamic cause for homosexuality has been indentified, including histories of childhood sexual abuse.”
This study is descriptive qualitative research with interview as the main tool in gathering data. Our respondents were the conveniently chosen respondents who openly admitted that they were homosexuals and those who are willing to be interviewed.  We personally approached our chosen respondents and the results were jotted down and were collated.

Table 3
Profile by Sexual Orientation

Sexual Orientation












Table 4
                         Perceived Factors of Homosexuality

Perceived Factors
Frequency of Response
1. Treated like a girl by her elder sisters.
2 (8.69%)
2. Frequently exposed to gays during     childhood years.

2 (8.69%)

3. Had the natural inclinations of doing and feeling feminine or masculine.

11 (47.83%)

4.The only male child and tended to copy ways of his sisters

2 (8.69%)

5.The only male in the family and had more female friends

1 (4.35%)

6. Influenced by friends
3 (13.09%)
7.Influenced by friends and neighbors who are mostly girls.

2 (8.69%)

23 (100%)

Table 5

Relationship   in terms of   consanguinity
Cousins (up to 3rd degree)

     Table 3 shows 82.61 percent were gays and the remaining 17.39 percent were lesbians, this was because the gays were open to be interviewed than the lesbians. Table 4 shows the socialization process is a big factor on the psychological process for becoming a homosexual. On table 5 shows (Relationship in terms of consanguinity) shows 1 respondent confirmed that he was a son of a gay and a big percent (52.17%) admitted that they had homosexual uncles, specifically gays. In this case, a big factor of environmental process affects the process of homosexuality because their uncles treat them as females (as they confirmed) which they believed the reason they become one. Further explanation of the respondents says that they were exposed in the opposite sex which is an additional points in environment.

     We conclude that the respondents, although, they strongly believed that homosexuality is caused by environmental factors, analysis of the data showed that environment, especially the socialization process interplay with heredity in the development of homosexuality.

1. Parents, other family members and other significant persons should provide growing children appropriate environment based on their opposite sex.
2. Further study maybe conducted to further explore the cause of homosexuality.

image from

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Does An Interpreter A Help?

   Only 1 candidate stands out from 89 beauties around the globe. A black woman garnered the crown from being the Miss Universe, Ms. Leila Lopes from Angola but does she really deserves to win? Does her interpreter an x-factor in the Question and Answer portion?

   Out of 89 beautiful, stunning women had been trimmed down to top 5 to answer the final question and only the Philippines, Ms. Shamcey Supsup, 25 year old lady answered the question without hesitation and without an interpreter.

   The queen of talk and a well known woman around the world says her comment via NBC that Shamcey should have won:
“I have reservations with the results. If only the basis is the Q and A portion, after having been trimmed down to 5, Ms. Philippines deserve to win. What made her different from the rest is that she had no seconds to rethink her answer as she had no interpreter to break the ice. The rest had their interpreters and having breaks on seconds to think about their answers. Hands down, Ms. Philippines answered straight to the pint.” Oprah Winfrey

   The statement of Oprah spread all over the world through social networking sites, blog and the net. It is like a virus that spreads so quickly after she had finished saying the last word. Well, she is totally right. I am not being bias but it is really true. Even other nationalities around the world was dismayed that Shamcey was only in the 3rd runner up and it gave me an idea that does really an interpreter a big help, an x-factor, a plus points, for the candidate? Avid fans of Miss Universe pageant here in the Philippines seldom say “I think we should have an interpreter”. English is an International language that is spoken through the word and by that I can still say that Filipinos are more intelligent than others. Why? Take the pageant as an example, only 1 candidate expresses here answer in a language that some contestants don’t know and to think that the question is English.

   I am very proud of Shamcey Supsup for being crowned 3rd runner up in the pageant but my question still remains.

  Does an interpreter a big help?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Captured: Lucky or Unhappy ?

  21 feet long crocodile named Lolong was capture in Agusan Del Sur at Agusan Marsh and said to be that the beast was the one who ate poor citizens in the Barangay. The crocodile was brought in his new house in a zoo at Agusan Del Sur and their next target is to capture its companion and said to be the wife of Lolong. The local TV News show (24 ORAS) announced that the poor crocodile haven’t eat for almost four days after he was captured and believed that Lolong was traumatized. 

  Sounds very alarming to know that wild beasts are appearing here in the Philippines but more alarming to say that this beast eats human! Well of course, it’s their nature to eat meat because they are carnivorous species and it is our nature to preserve them. I have read a post in Facebook which decided me to make an article about this.
   “A man saw a bee drowning in a small fountain. The man tries to save the bee from drowning but it stung him, instead of just leaving the bee because of stinging him he tries to save it again. Passers-by approached him and said ‘The bee stung you twice yet you still want to save that insect?’ the man wisely replied ‘It is the bee’s nature to sting and it is my nature to care’”. Quite impressive :)

  In relation, when I opened my Twitter account, I was surprised because “Agusan Del Sur” is trending. These wild animals such as Lolong should be preserved and protected. But my question is, is a ZOO a natural habitat for these endangered species? Well, I don’t think so. Zoo keepers fed them well but they are used as a tourist attraction, isn’t it? I am not against on zoo owners for having heir own zoo but animals should be the in their PROPER habitat. Like Africa, Africa’s zoo is very gargantuan but the most beautiful in their zoo is that, their zoo is more realistic. Animals in this zoo are not kept in a cage instead they can run freely with no hesitation. I know that Africa’s zoo and Philippines’ zoo are very far similar if you compare but it should be the Philippines role model for those zoo owners. TO HAVE A REALISTIC HABITAT for those animals they took over for preservation and those they kept.

  Capturing these endangered animals can gain tourists in the Philippines but can cause trauma to this poor creatures. They said “to study a fish, you should be a fish”, TRUE! We do not know what Lolong and other animals are feeling right now. We don’t know what their emotions (We are not God) and if you compare this to the realistic world, kidnapping suites to it. A person who was kidnapped might encounter trauma, just like an animal that is being captured.

Ask yourself, “How if I’m the crocodile, should I be happy?”
(Photos from

Friday, September 9, 2011

Treasure A Friend

“Ang tunay na kaibigan ay makikita sa oras ng pangangailangan”

                I can’t imagine life without friends. It seems that my life is not complete. I know some of us don’t have a friend because we are being teased by some and being bully by others. When I was in my elementary year, I don’t have a friend. Some says that they don’t like me because I am a gay and I don’t have the brain. I didn’t mind it in my part, for me that time, friends are just stupid creatures. ‘If you want to trust someone, better to trust your family” that are y point of views when I was a kid but I got insecure by some kids, lil’ chit chat with their friend and jokes. They play together and they do what thinks funny. I envy those kids but when I approached them to play, they run away. At that age, I realized life is cruel but didn’t stop me.
                Years have passed when I reached the 4th grade and I started to socialize with my classmates and I find it very positive. But I find out that they just making friends with me just to copy answers and cheat with the test. Well, because of being teased as a dull I learned to be the top 1 of the class. By that, I realized to be alone. I learned to trust my family but that didn’t enough. And then I meet my High School friends and my Barkada. They made me feel to be free again; we do things that my parents didn’t know, we do stuffs that we think is very funny and so on. For me friends and Barkada and is different. For me friend defines as the people I can share my secrets and feeling and Barkada defines me as the persons that we laugh our own mistakes, we do stuffs that are so hilarious and we also, I can share problems, secrets and feeling. They maybe look very similar but for me, it’s a different story.
                You know what, friends can help you. They can be your teacher (positive side), your special someone or you look them as your family. A true friend can are found in times of problems and when disasters come. They are the persons you can treasure that you cannot barter with other people. You share your secrets that others do not know. It’s quite alarming for those “plastics”. They’re just good in front but seaweeds when they are at the back. We can’t please everybody that is why chose your friends wisely. Others can be a Bad Influence and others can be a good on but for as long you feel comfortable, be with them. Treasure every moment you are with them because by time comes, you start laughing by those moments. Seems very hilarious to imagine those times but it can’t be bought by other people those moments so treasure it. Treasure your friend.
Thanks to: Mariel Alexis Reyes, Carren Ann Orquillas, Shiena Bilas, Mhara Alexa, Eula Maritoni Langit, Jiseca Sy, Cyndy Joy Calapiz, Milfeb Ancajas, Marvelous Bencio, Chuck Wilbur Sasuman, Jovelyn Ganzan, etc. Thanks for being a part of my life.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mother Earth

“God created human to multiply and to preserve the beauty of it”

Washed healthy crops, El Niño, El Niña, landslides, flashfloods, earth quakes, tidal waves and typhoons, a major problem of the world today and caused by the fast growing Global Warming.

You don’t need to question yourself why because I know that you contributed a lot to this problem. Throwing garbage everywhere, burning coal and plastics, throwing in open rivers, etc. Humans are made to preserve the beauty of the Earth but what happened? Much worst than I think. Being an ordinary citizen of this gargantuan planet that is capable for living, I might say I’m lucky but for me this is a privilege. Not all planets are capable for a human to live. This issue of our planet is not an ordinary issue that you read on those newspaper or magazines. We already feel the essence of Global Warming and it’s quite terrifying.
I noticed 8 years ago when I was in grade school that in a sunny day suddenly it  rains and worst, it pours harder that you wont event think that it was hot a minute ago. As a student of grade school, I don’t understand what is happening here in Earth. Well, the hell I care. Days became weeks, weeks became months and moths became years, I notice that the world seems changing. From a very hot noon to a very rainy one, you should be shocked! When I stepped out in my 5th grade, I was introduced by the newest version of climate change, the “Global Warming”.

Quite confusing to understand at first but our teacher says “you’ll understand when you feel it” and she’s not wrong. Everyday at 8 in the morning, I feel already that the sun’s ray is penetrating. Ouch!! My teacher is right. The progress of these global phenomena seems so fast and it’s like a process of development, it grows and develops. Everyday it grows and develops. These global phenomena do a big effect on us. First and foremost, the sun’s ray is penetrating, the climate changes every minute and the worst, and it contributes a lot of diseases. 

People nowadays don’t mind this stuff but they should be. A lot of diseases are fast approaching, some are fast mutating but the most dangerous disease as for now is DENGUE and MALARIA. Due to the rapid process of evaporation because of too much heat, rain always come everyday and usually in the mid-afternoon. And stagnant waters are the most favorite spot of mosquitoes. Better to throw away those unused tires and open jars that are left outside the house. These may be a perfect house for those mosquitoes. Another thing is avoid too much exposure of the sun. Nowadays, I notice that every time I expose myself under the heat of the sun for more than 5 minutes, I feel like there’s a needle that sews my skin and it hurts!

In everything that is happening to day is no longer a story or a horrible dream but it is already a reality. This reality that we are experiencing is not just an ordinary story. We depend on our nature to live, we need clean air to breath, we need clean water to quench our thirst, and we need food. Shocking you may say but the air you breathe today is not clean anymore, even water and even clean water today is not for free. All of this uncontrollable disaster that is being experience of a young human would be a big problem for their upcoming future here on earth and this happened because of the idiotic works of humans. I hope that everything will change but seems very hard to imagine. Poor earth, poor Mother Earth.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Emotions of A Gay

“God only created man and a woman, for man is to woman and for man is to man”

   They said that gay are the most mysterious creature here in earth, why? Because they don’t have the capability to give birth yet their population increases! Ha-ha, it’s very funny to deal with this people. They make as giggle and laugh but some prefer to stay away from them, especially the straight ones but some of them enjoys being with these people because of their sense of humor but the real story behind those jokes are very opposite when it comes to the  real life.

   You know, gays are one of a kind. They are very talented and skillful and to think that most of the successful businessman are gays. In other means, multi-talented. But the sad thing is, discrimination is always anchored at there back. It starts from being a child that haven’t yet discovered what really he is until the day they accept that they are member of the third sex. Discriminating a gay maybe in a bullying form or just saying “salot sa lipunan” or pests. I, as a gay (honest), is very negative to our part. We put up in our mind that we need to be as what we want to so that people won’t underestimate and discriminate us because of what we are. Some men don’t know what we feel every time they blabber indecent words to us, FACE TO FACE. It maybe negative in our part but we take it as an inspiration that someday, everything will change.

   Gays prefer to deal with girls and some of there gay friends. Gays are closed to girls because they feel the same emotion. Gays are very feminine, just like a real female. They share who are their crushes, secrets and some of their experiences. Gays are always hoping for equality in their part and also with the lesbians. I hope also that in the near future, equality prevails.

(Now, in our school (Capitol University) conducts on a research on what are the reasons why gays became a gay)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Interview with the TOYOTA

  I was not expecting that this day would come. I can't imagine how I look by the time as our Professor announced that our Mid-Term exam is not a written exam instead an official interview by any Supervisors, Manager, if possible, owner of an any company here in Cagayan de Oro. Aside from that, we need to dress formally and I hate it. But what can I do I can't say No. Well, I'll just put up interesting questions that the Group Sales Manager, Vehicle Sales Department of Toyota here in CDO, Mr. Neil D. Abbu answered.

(Translated in English)

  We asked Mr. Neil on how they can manage the company's progress here in Cagayan de Oro and he told us that they conduct Japan's System, the 5S or Sorting, Systematizing, Sweeping, Sanitize and Self-Discipline to make also there company much more progressive and they stick in to their  rules.

   As we go beyond on our discussion with Mr. Neil, we asked him on what are the strategies and techniques  that they use to promote there products and they can attract more costumers and according to him, "Hindi nagpapatalo ang Toyota". They take risk and they evaluate any market strategies and of course "Go for the Market". He also added that not only the Managers and Supervisors conduct suggesting but also the members even the lowest position can had a suggestion to make the company much productive.

  We didn't miss also the opportunity to ask Mr. Neil on what are the "moves" so that they can be the best seller of cars here in CDO. He told us that they had a department namely the "Kaizen Department" which conduct surveys and changes and also the one who study about how to improve there marketing sales and of course we asked on how they can manage negative comments regarding on their product that can cause a severe damage in the company's name. Mr. Neil confidently answered that they conduct national and local surveys that helps them to know what are the complaints of their costumers. They extract those problems and they recommend it to their mother company. The Costumer Relation Office holds all the complains whether it is an internal or external complain. Mr. Neil added that as much as possible they can resolve any problem with 24 hours and he added that "COSTUMER IS THE KING".

  I together with my partner Karen Saligumba give thanks to Mr. Neil D. Abbu for giving us his spare time. It really help a lot. Thanks Sir !!